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Glass Polishing Wheels
Glass Polishing Wheels

This category is a collection of glass polishing wheels. The wheels are designed for rough and fine polishing to glass edge or bevelling processing.
In glass processing line, more and more processing factories require for quick sharpness and wear resistance of wheels.
In order to reach to those purpose, as to rough polishing, Anhua Abrasives Limited applies imported diamond sand (Italian one) to cut glass edge rapidly, and highest quality of rubber to keep diamond sand stability gently that makes the wheels long life; as to fine polishing, Anhua Abrasives Limited adopts high quality of rubber or textile together with optical-lense-polishing powder to have a best transparent and reflective and clear edge or bevel surface.
The wheels are used on Straight Line Edge Grinding Machine, Double Edge Grinding Machine, Straight line Bevelling Machine, Shape Machine (Single Arm Machine/Irregular Shape Machine/SB_10 Bavelloni), Round Edge Machine, Double Round Edge Machine, and CNC Glass Processing Machine.